Wednesday, June 17, 2020

It's the Little Things

I've pretty well run out of outfits actually photographed. We just emerged from the wet, drippy, ugly phase of spring a few weeks ago. I'd been waiting to photograph my most recent finished projects and my new 1930's ensemble until the drabness finally transformed into luscious green, and now that it has, I've been waiting to find the time. 😏

So today's blog is all about the little things, the small projects I've completed this spring. There's just something so splendid about starting a project and finishing in a few short hours! Really quite refreshing amid the lengthy hand stitched projects that I've been plugging at lately.

First off my small projects list was a couple new stomachers.

I made a new cream colored stomacher, this time with a wider curve. (No more tongue emoticon vibes here! 😉)

I used nearly the last scraps from my brown linen jacket to make a matching stomacher, which will hopefully compliment my other jackets as well.

I cut the stomachers out in one evening and was able to put them both together the very next evening. Super fast and super satisfying! I really needed something that went lickety-split at this point... As an added bonus, I got to check that project off 3 separate lists. (I may or may not have a lists problem... sometimes I think I like making the lists better than the actual projects! 😉)

Next up was my long over-due 18th century sewing kit... known as the "Hussif" or "Housewife" in historical terminology. I used scraps of wool from my cloak, and linen pieces left from my apron to make one just to my fancy. Once I acquire some wooden thread winders and a linen tape measure, my historical sewing kit will be truly complete!

Having a proper historical sewing kit, an 18th century pin ball was the next logical project on the list. Let me tell you, this little bugger gave me quite the fight! From doing my first cross stitch letters in thick wool, to figuring out how best to attach the band I was met with a fabric battle. Now that I've worked out the kinks, making another should go MUCH more quickly. Perhaps I'll do a "how-to" post on that someday. 😊

Last, but not least is a project that never even made it on my "to do" list. 😲 I had a nice piece of cotton plaid left from a previous re-made project, and pulling it out while chatting with a friend I decided to cut it square and hem it up right then and there for a fun neck handkerchief option.

That's all the "little things" for now. Hopefully in a couple weeks I will have photos taken of my new 1930's pieces to share with you all!